For real, for real…

I woke up this morning and I felt my creative writing flair burning deep, deep down inside me. So much has happened in my life since I last felt the urge to write and the feelings I have now, I never want to disappear. I now know that everything in life happens for a reason – the tough times are chucked on top so the big fella upstairs can see what your made of… I’m here today to say ‘check mate!’
In the last 8 years since my accident, I really have been skull dragged over the sizzling coals BUT there has also been some beautiful times. Unfortunately the bad times started to outweigh the good times and I’m sorry but I deserve to be fucking happy! No – I’m not sorry, I’m not sorry anymore, not even a little bit… I was made to feel like I was the only problem in the situation because I have a brain injury – but with professional help and this wave of clarity that has come over me, I’m seeing things much, much differently.

I was sick and tired of being so sick and tired. I decided to do something about it – In the last few months, so many things have started to go right in my life… My boys behavior has improved ten fold, my pain levels are mellowing out, I’m putting away with my side hustle, I’ve had a few interviews starting to get myself out there –

I’m still having a decent chop at my PT Course that I was so stressed about, I’m a better mother, daughter and empowered af woman! You may see me differently, and that’s 110% ok, what you have to say about me is none of my business. I don’t think there would be many people out there that could walk half a mile in my shoes and survive… I know who I am and could not give two shits about what you or anyone else has to say…
This is me being the energy I want to attract to my life… I AM THE ENERGY I WANT TO ATTRACT… I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE MYSELF HAPPY… … COME AT ME!

Here’s a few things I have learnt –
> You don’t owe ANYONE an explanation EVER
> YOU and only YOU can control the way you react to situations
> NOBODY can make you feel inferior without your consent
> NEVER EVER EVER stop working on your self-development

I’m on a mission to create the life I want to live…
Stay tuned for more updates – they are on THE way!
Aquo Xx






One response to “For real, for real…”

  1. Caitlin Avatar

    You should be very proud x

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