During times of uncertainty, were not going to find comfort in the news, most social media outlets – I feel we need to grow within ourselves now more than ever and revert back to the simple practices in life. Things like building a small vegetable garden to cut the cost of veggies and essentially the cost of a grocery shop. There are ways and means to create anything you want in this life – You just need to find the hero within, the self drive and determination to never give up no matter what it takes.
I feel that to move forward in a positive way through these trying times there needs to be more self education, whether it be to learn how to build a kick-ass chicken coup (like my husband just built) or to get a certificate or qualification you have been putting off because life became too busy.
We all need to take a step back and slow down with our life’s practices. We need to be reminded of what is and what isn’t important in life. bond with your kids, work on your relationships, on your cooking skills, get that spring clean done you have been putting off for the past two years… the list goes on – be creative!
This too shall pass – the trying times, no matter how bad will blow over, eventually as the world wont stop spinning for anything. Maybe this pandemic has occurred as god’s way of trying to slow us all down, the world has gotten to the point where everything happens extremely fast, I’m not saying it isn’t going to get bad, I’m just trying to live with a more optimistic outlook on life.

Take an unpleasant situation and grow from it, economically and personally. Here’s an alternative way to look at life.
from my heart to yours,
Aquo Xx