Trust yourself…

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

Golda Meir

It was back in 2015 that I actively decided that – “That’s it, get up out of bed and stop being a little bitch!” It was at that moment that I came alive again. I started chipping away at self-development, spiritual development and started a bit of self- education.

After finally moving home back to Ingham (which felt like at least five years – My time perception is really bad now #ptsd) I realized how depressed I was. Being the sort of person I am – I was not going roll over and die, I was going re-create a person I was happy to live with for the rest of my life.

I have had to completely rebuild myself, my life. You see – at 21 I had a horrific quad bike accident that left me with a traumatic brain injury and a severe brachial plexus injury which means my right arm barely functions. I’m working so hard everyday to make it work again. I’m getting movement back slowly – my arm was fused, but in future, who knows what medical technology will bring. I know it will work again, maybe just not as good as my left.

I’m riding the education train, trying my hardest to make life easier for my family. I have purpose in my life now – raising my boys and trying to build an empire… It helps that my impulse is currently out of this world and my head is as hard as stone… really… I took on a tree and I won.

“See me, I’m still standing, I may be bleeding, but I’m still breathing” – is a line out of one of my favourite songs back in my high school days…

I can not believe how much you can change your body in a matter of weeks. Since the above size 12 photo was taken (first weekend of March), I’ve dropped heaps more fat and have toned up pretty decent. It took me until the start of March to be comfortable in my own skin, I can finally look at myself naked in the mirror and not scream and run away. OK – it wasn’t exactly that bad… but you get it, right?

One of my friends from high school owns a coffee shop (which makes me really happy because coffee is life!) And I made the comment the other day that if you think about it – this is me being an adult for the first time… at 28, I’m finally an adult. Before my accident, I was still trying to find myself and wasn’t going about it the right way.

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I guess what I’m getting at is we all need to have a little more trust in ourselves and a lot less self-doubt, because at the end of the day I feel, that is what separates those who are successful and those who are not.

Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart.

Aquo Xx




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