At some stage in our lives, we all get that feeling of – ‘Ok, I know where I’m going, but how do I get there?’ And subsequently feel as if we have fallen into a rutt and have absolutely no idea of how to get out.
Sound familiar? Well, that is so me right now but it shouldn’t be, at all, not even a little bit. I feel right now I’m being the best mum I can be – even though my two year old is… well… two 🙄. My marriage is stronger than ever, it was, looking shady as shit for a bit there… what can I say – I’m a physco… but – isn’t every woman after giving birth? My baby is only 10 months old and I feel as though I have come half normal again, so I’m proud of myself in that respect…
My fitness is so on point it’s not funny. I’m getting leaner, more toned and strong af! It’s awesome how I’m so impulsive now! I’ve become very mindful with my eating, drinking the h2o but I need to pull the rains on my alcohol consumption… not that I’m constantly drinking, I can go 6,7,8,9,10 months without drinking – but when I want to have a drink… I have a drink.
It’s been a few months since I started writing this piece and it’s been a few months since I had a drink. I’ve come to the realization that if I want to be my version of successful AND build my empire AND raise two decent human boys – (I think they’re human… they do seem to communicate in dinosaur more times than not though), somethings gotta give. Alcohol doesn’t do anything good for our bodies so it can go… I’d like to say for ever – but we will see…
Next is my online presence – it really breaks my balls (another choice saying I picked up from growing up in the shed with the boys) to do this but my boys come first, then my studies which are also struggling at the moment. I’m not going to kill all my sites etc. but I do need to step back and refocus. I need to be able to create quality content for all you beautiful people and at this stage it is dropping off at a rapid pace. I’m hoping to put up a quality piece once a fortnight and I will knock Instagram posts back to once a week.
I feel as though I’m drowning… and now with COVID-19 rife throughout most parts of our beautiful country I feel as though it will get worse, but then – it will get better. I’m taking this opportunity now to set myself up by putting the right systems into place so when this is over – BAM! The caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly and never looks back!
I woke up this morning feeling as though I should chuck it all away – my brand, studies, empire… everything! Then I decided to send my fitness mentor a message for a bit of advice, the words “I know you can do this!” completely changed my mindset… and just like that – I’m back in the game!
Aquo Xx