Good evening you lovely people, how are we? I’m just going to start by saying I am currently on top of the world! – But wait, that will change next week 🙄 … So not even a depressive statement, more of a dig at myself regarding the roller coaster ride of emotions I will be on for the rest of my life.

It is currently 7:30pm on the dot as I am writing this, a little more than twelve hours before this goes live, I’m finding it mega challenging to keep up my online presence but am leaning more towards Instagram at the moment as it can be much quicker. My developing (of my web-page) has come to a standstill as I try and do something with my greatest passion in life (apart from familgia) my fitness! Yes… like, I don’t know… a few million other people in Australia are doing at the moment – I’m studying to become a personal trainer. Yes there are A LOT around but no… nobody has a comeback story quite like mine.
I am so driven that I know I can pull off something great – I don’t know what yet, I currently have no idea what that is BUT I will get there… repeat after me I tell myself (I tell myself everyday because when God was giving out patients I was asleep under the tree) One step at a time!

My goal for tonight was to find my before photos I took just before Christmas and compare it with now because I’m feeling heaps of differences so I’m guessing others are too! But I’m mentally challenged and can’t remember where I ripped them to on my computer… HAHA! I’m so funny! I crack myself up at times… any idea where I get that from dad? 😋 So I guess a comparison isn’t going to be part of this piece… dam it! I wanted you all to see how hard I’m working, so you know there ain’t no wasted efforts here! Plus – I’m too tired! I’m starting to see noises… not really, but you know what I’m getting at right?
You should all follow my pages if you’re not already… You won’t be disappointed plus I’ll make you laugh when you really need to!
Instagram – @aquoblog
Facebook – @aquoonline
Website –
That’s me for tonight, I was going to smash out some more assessment but my brain has literally just stopped functioning. Over and out!
Aquo Xx