Toddlers – like a blender you have no lid for…

Today is the start of a new decade – 1st January 2020. I woke up this morning more drained than usual – I have gotten into the routine to get up by 5am and going to the gym for an hour. This morning I thought I would start off doing the right thing (omg shocking right?!) my body needs a break so I rolled over and slept in till 7.23am. I then got up to a rather loud house – “Andrew I need coffee.” I am so not a morning person but can surprisingly get my ass out of bed at 5am and get to the gym by 6am, go figure.

My two year old made me put Blippi songs on, which I’m cool with because it’s all life skills he’s learning. He turns to me when the ‘months of the year’ song comes on and started singing it. I told him that his birthday is in June he looked at me and said “Yeah, I’ll be five.” – Ah nah bud, three… It went back and forth till he lost interest and it got me thinking…

Don’t wish you were older – ever! I was the youngest of all my cousins and always wanted to be older… I ended up doing questionable things to try make myself feel older, I don’t regret anything I have done in my life cause it made me who I am today. One of my friends once told me “All you can do is try be the best mum you can be.” I am so grateful for that statement, it has made me stop and think before creating some monstrous shitstorms!

Recently, I’ve really started to find the person god put me on this earth to be – and you know what? – I love the shit out of her! She’s a pretty amazing human being. A better mother, a better friend, a better daughter, a better wife, you name it. I’m actively trying to be the change I wish to see in the world and I have started to see it happening all around me. It’s pretty wonderful actually.

Don’t wish you were older… EVER!!! Just let it happen, find your WHY in life and try your best to be the most confident, kindest version of yourself you can possibly be.

Aquo Xx




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