Trying to teach myself all this WordPress, insta, Facebook, writing, photos, Pwoh! it’s extremely overwhelming at times but I refuse to give up and say I couldn’t do it! I’m struggling to keep a household together, especially with my husband working 18 hour days, seven days a week. My two-year-old has now turned into somewhat of a figure that depicts Hitler. On top of that, my baby who is now six months old, has started chucking the biggest tantrums known to man.
I usually go to Lourdes playgroup on a Tuesday with my mum and the boys, but today is just too bloody hot and I so need to wash my hair – it is disgusting. So I had the nicest shower and washed my hair while my baby cried himself to sleep because I just can’t do this anymore today. I put on the most comfortable pair of tights I have in the most comfortable bra imaginable and I’m pretty set for the rest of the day.

But – I have a plan, I have decided to be a bit quieter until the New Year, then come back bigger and better than the past two years. Yeah – I have actively been trying to make a difference for the past two years and people are just starting to notice. At the moment, it’s just too hard to keep trying to manage teaching myself anything blogging, writing, Facebook, run a household and keep my boys from trying to light the house on fire every single day. Instead, I have decided that this would be the best way to move forward as my mental health is the most important thing to myself and to my family.
“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close
Aquo Xx