In memory of Louise L Hay: 1926 – 2007

I was getting up on the massage table when I started to talk to my therapist about Louise Hay when she replied “isn’t she dead?” – haha love ya Mon! But seriously! HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS! I idolise her! I have ever since my cousin put me on to her book ‘You can heal your life,’ back in 2008 when things were happening in my life that every parent dreads happening to their child. I instantly fell in love with her and have followed, recommended, even pushed some of her resources on people in times of need.

So… “Who is Louise Hay” you ask, well, Louise Hay was an American motivational speaker, author and she also founded the ‘Hay House’. She wrote a heap of amazing self-help books, including my favourite of all time – You Can Heal Your Life, written in 1984 and copied numerous times since then!

She lived to be 90 years of age and was dubbed “the closest thing to a living saint” by the Australian media, Louise Hay is also known as one of the founders of the self-help movement. Her first book, Heal Your Body, was published in 1976, long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body. Revised and expanded in 1988, this best-selling book introduced Louise’s concepts to people in 33 different countries and has been translated into 25 languages throughout the world.

The journey begins…

You are able to create anything in the world for yourself to be successful, if you have a strong belief, you can do anything! It’s all about turning everything you see in this world as negative, into a positive. I’m not trying to kid myself here, if you see EVERYTHING in this world as positive there’s something wrong with you. I personally, choose not to watch the news, and if something isn’t remotely going to affect me in some way, I try not to concern myself with it – ANYMORE!

I found Louise’s affirmations in her book – You can heal your life, and a heap more online in a google images search. Those affirmations helped me to change the way I see the world now. I have a ridiculously harmonial balance now, and I feel absolutely wonderful! Each morning when I wake up now, I spring out of bed – no longer the whole “I wonder what shit I’ll have to put up with today.” Some of my favourite affirmations include:-

  • I choose to think positive and fulfilling thoughts.
  • Everything in my life will happen at the precise moment it’s supposed to.
  • I am willing to change.
  • I want to change.
  • I can do this.

I have learnt many things from Louise over the years, but it wasn’t until I started having a hard time (as we all do at times), that I turned back to her work and started all over again. “I love myself and I create loving relationships in my life.” We are all on a journey to express our full potential in this life, some find it and some never will – usually the people who never will are the people who think the world owes them something. If you put a thought out to the universe, the universe listens and that thought is then mirrored back at you, however – you have to truly believe in that thought for anything to change in your life. 

Louise started her motivational speaking etc. back well before there was much of the sort in this world and science proved decades later what she was already teaching – that you have the power over your life, not the other way around. With every thought you think, you are creating your present & your future.

Seriously, if you, or anyone you know is going through a hard time, introduce Louise Hay. There are a HEAP of online resources that are free, I will include the resources I have used which have helped me get by in the past. Louise is an absolutely amazing woman, the way she has helped millions of different people around the world is incredible! she really should have been made a saint at the time of her passing.  

Aquo Xx

Louise’s Official Website:

Louise’s Legcy:


You Can Heal Your Life trailer
Take Charge – Create New – Louise Hay
The Power of Affirmations – Louise Hay




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